The following is information about the installation of a new inclusive playground at Allan Yorke Park near ballfield 5.
The City of Bonney Lake identified space in the Allan Yorke Park Ballfield 5 Master Plan for a new playground. The city received a grant in 2018 to purchase playground equipment. Installation of the new playground was scheduled to take place following the completion of Ballfield 5 in 2023. However, with significant rising costs, city staff had to explore options to secure additional funding. With the support of Rep. Stokesbary and Rep. Robertson, the city was successfully awarded the remaining funds needed to install the playground from the State legislature.
Next Steps:
The State appropriation is included in the next budget cycle which begins July 1, 2024. In the meantime, City staff will work with State staff on developing the project funding agreement. It is anticipated that City Council will vote on the state project funding agreement and the contract with the playground installer sometime this summer.
Stay Informed:
Updates will be posted on this web page and shared in the city’s e-newsletter. Additionally, the contracts will be added to a future City Council agenda.
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Listen to the April 16 presentation to City Council
Read The News Tribune article